
PO Box 677, 1555 255th St.
Sheffield, IA USA 50475-0677

The Sukup Double Run Conveyor is an efficient grain handling system designed to reduce grain damage while maximizing throughput and is more economical and effective than portable augers. Sukup's Double Run Conveyor is engineered for gentle and efficient grain movement, replacing the need for a roof auger, transfer auger, dryer take-away auger, and even a permanently installed transport auger. With its compact design, the Double Run Conveyor operates smoothly and quietly, requiring minimal maintenance. The Double Run Conveyor features 100% UHMW paddles pre-attached to the chain.

The Double Run Conveyor is also highly adaptable, offering optional intermediate discharge gates for horizontal applications, further enhancing its versatility for various grain handling needs. Its flexible design allows for inclining sections, enabling efficient grain transfer while maintaining high capacity and grain quality. Additionally, Sukup provides the option to add 32° and 45°bend sections to a Double Run Conveyor allowing you to feed your dryer directly from your hopper bin with one simple, high-capacity conveyor. Drive-over hoppers are available in 5', 8.5' & 10' for receiving systems used in conjunction with bend sections.

Standard Features

  • Extremely gentle on grain with less horsepower used
  • 1,500 BPH - 10,000 BPH capacities
  • On average 4-5 times longer life span than an auger
  • Compact design and smooth, quiet operation
  • Heavier gauge tubing standard
  • Head or tail drive
  • Double-Run Conveyor runs can be longer than an auger
  • Double-Run Conveyors can be set at up to a 60˚incline
  • Set-up time for a Sukup Double-Run Conveyor is about half that of other companies because the paddles come pre-attached to the chain
  • UHMW paddles eliminate steel-to-steel contact
  • Corrosion-resistant Acme thread take-up screws at head

Product Accessories

  • Drive at head
  • Head discharge available at 45˚, 60˚ and 90˚ angles
  • Intermediate Discharge and ground control kits
  • Dump-through tail section with gate
  • Cover and extension for hopper
  • Truss systems available
  • 32˚ and 45˚ bends
  • Intermediate discharge gates and ground control kits available
Product Features
  • Standard Double Bearing Support on Drive
  • Advanced Inlet Design to Minimize Grain Damage
  • Configurable Tail Drive
Jarrod Mosier, J & J Ag

Grover Hill, OH

It’s great partnering with someone who is always looking for innovative ideas to help secure the future of agriculture. It’s great partnering with someone like that.


What is the Sukup Double Run Conveyor?

The Sukup Double Run Conveyor is an efficient, durable grain handling system designed to reduce grain damage while operating more economically and quietly than traditional augers. It uses UHMW paddles to transport grain smoothly with minimal wear and maintenance.

What are the advantages of the Double Run Conveyor compared to augers?

Unlike traditional augers, the Double Run Conveyor moves grain with paddles attached to a dual-chain system.

Can the Double Run Conveyor handle inclined sections?

Yes, adding a bend section to a Sukup Double Run Conveyor allows you to feed your dryer directly from your hopper bin with one simple, high-capacity conveyor. Available in 32° and 45° Bend Sections.
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